Bodymind Coaching
What Is Bodymind Coaching?
Have you ever received an amazing massage session and felt so deeply rooted, only to jump into the car and have all the swirling details of life come crashing at you, and your back at square 1 in just seconds?
- You have intellectually known that there are better ways to live a balanced life but when it comes to getting a new result NOTHING CHANGES?
- You struggle with the same aches and pains and you wonder if you’ll EVER feel well again.
- You have thrown so many modalities and therapy at your wellness and nothing seems to help you create a LIFE THAT YOU LOVE!
This is where Bodymind coaching graciously steps into the arena of your life! This is about using the body’s innate natural wisdom to enact change in your body and your WHOLE LIFE! How often have you disregarded your body’s messages?
The fact is we truly know what would bring us the most fulfillment in life by our body’s responses ALONE. I will help this process along and we will bring awareness around exactly what is in the way of you living your BEST life.
This coaching technique is designed to take you through a transformational process to get you from your current redundant struggles in life to living a LIFE ON PURPOSE!
- Have you ever found yourself feeling completely burned out, turned off, and lackluster about life?
- You know you have so much more joy to feel, a purpose to thrive on, and overall fulfillment to experience.
How It Works
Bodymind coaching has a unique level of support by way of 4 touchpoints throughout the month to explore your “stuck points” and includes some form of embodiment experience to deepen the transformation. Embodiment experiences range from massage techniques, Reiki, guided visualizations, meditations, breathwork, stretches, somatic exercises, vocalizations, or any other experience intuited by myself based on your specific need during the session.
In this modality of healing there are at-home modules to work on that will further you along your path to a brighter YOU faster than just the sessions alone. Body-mind coaching has the power to create REAL and LASTING change! I offer 3 different Programs.